Lost Pet Prevention Month

July 06, 2023

Sumer Safety Tips

Make sure your dog has a current ID tag

A current ID tag makes all the difference in many cases. While microchips are great if your dog loses his collar, the average person driving down the road needs an ID tag to get your address information. Be sure the tag is current and that it’s readable, even if your dog is wiggling and even if the person who is trying to read it is a little worried about getting up close to your dog. Remember: if a stranger is handling your lost dog, your dog may or may not sit still for him…and the helper may not feel secure about getting in your dog’s face to try to decipher a scratched tag.

Take extra precautions at night with lighted collars and leashes

In the heat of the summer, we often walk our dogs after the day has cooled and sunset has passed. On night walks, take extra precaution with your dog. A dropped leash makes it easy for your dog to get away from you in the dark and remain unseen. Lighted dog collars keep your dog (and you!) visible during your night walks.

Have a current photo of your dog

Make sure you have a photo both of your dog looking at the camera and a side view of your dog. Hopefully you won’t need it for a Lost Dog poster, but you’ll be ready.

Check your fence regularly

If you have a fenced yard, it’s easy to become complacent about its security. But summer weather — from fallen limbs to flash floods — can cause fences to become insecure and easy to get under or over. Walk the perimeter of your fence on a regular basis with an eye out for escape routes.

Know your neighbors

If your neighbors regularly see you and your dog walking, they’ll be alerted if they suddenly see your dog alone. It’s easy to meet fellow dog-loving neighbors on your walks, and their assistance can be invaluable if you should need to track your lost dog. We also belong to NextDoor.com, a free service that lets you sign up for your neighborhood and gives you daily alerts for your neighborhood and the adjacent neighborhood. I see lost dog and found dog posts nearly every day in our group so I’m always keeping my eye out for unaccompanied pooches. Facebook lost and found pages are also a great way to get the word out aobut your lost pet. 
